Thursday, 7 May 2015

Love Your Pets #NationalPetWeek

May 3 to May 9'th is National Pet Week.

This week, celebrate your pets. Celebrate their lives, their health, their love. Celebrate every moment spent with them, and never take it for granted. 

Now, I know we celebrate these things every single day we have with our pets, but this week take a step back and really look at the relationship you have with your pets. Pet/human relationships are priceless, and sometimes they can be easily pushed aside and forgotten about. Remember your pet loves you unconditionally, so we need to love them back, and show them we are there for them, we will protect them, feed them, care for them, and love them for as long as they grace us with their beautiful lives.

never take anything for granted quote

I would like to send out a special message to what has been one of my most favorite blogging kitties for quite some time. Nerissa. His life was lost recently, and he will be dearly missed. Sending my thoughts and prayers to your family Niss, run free sweet kitty xoxo

Feel free to stop by Nerissa's blog and give your love to the family. I am sure it would be appreciated.

Today's post was brought to you by our Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop.
Although today is anything but Thoughtless. Your host is Ruckus The Eskie.
Co hosts are Barking From The Bayou and me from Love Is Being Owned By A Husky


  1. Love your pets -- and your people -- every day. Great thoughts. Spending time with loved ones is always time well spent.
    --Wags (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats

  2. Poor Kitty my sympathies to his family. Love the quote, happy national pet week.

    1. Thanks JoAnn. Happy National Pet Week!

  3. Mom loves us and tells us all the time. Especially living with a senior who is having her issues, it is a constant reminder of how precious every day really is.

  4. Great reminder, and great quote.

  5. Happy National Pet's Week!

  6. Hi Y'all!

    What an excellent reminder. Our purpose in life is to remind our Humans of the importance of appreciating what they have surrounding them.

    Y'all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  7. You are so right, we have to live each day to the fullest and never take our pets for granted. We didn't know Nerissa well, but we are very sad for his family and sent our condolences.
    Lots of wags and woofs from the crew at Wag n Woof Pets

    1. Absolutely!
      I had followed Niss's blog for a couple years now :( so sad.

  8. Soft woos and gentle hugs to Nerissa's family - so sad. And a good reminder to love our pets every day and especially at times like this.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  9. I am so sad about Nerissa. Once you've lost a beloved pet, your heart is never the same. ♥

  10. We are so sad to read about Nerissa.

  11. Don't forget to hug your pets today! And every day!

    We'll miss Nissy very much. :(

  12. It could not be expressed any better.
    Thank you!


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